Friday, March 30, 2018

Louis Miskoguon

Louis Aw ke be mo say / Miskoguon was born c1834. On his enlistment papers he says he was born in Kalamazoo.

Louis attended prayer services as part of Rev. George Smith's congregation. He married Susan Miscowacowt on 1 May 1853 in Northport by Rev. Smith. (Date from pension record).

Louis was a member of  Peter Way kay zoo's band. "This band was originally from L’Arbre Croche. In 1839, Chief Ogemaw Ininee (Joseph Waw kay zoo) and some of his band purchased lands near their winter hunting grounds on Black River in Allegan County with the assistance of George N. Smith, a Congregational minister. They remained in that location until 1849 when they moved to Grand Traverse and purchased lands in Leelanau County, townships 31 & 32 north, range 11 west. Smith’s new mission and an Indian village was located on Lot 1, section 3, townships 31 north, range 11 west. Joseph Waw kay zoo died in 1845 and his brother Peter became the chief of this band. Peter died in 1861 and George Waw kay zoo was named the chief. Peter Waw kay zoo and many members of his band moved back to the Little Traverse area and selected lands in Charlevoix County while others stayed in Leelanau County south of the lands they purchased in 1849." [From Larry Wyckoff]

In 1855 Louis chose as his allotment land the W1/2 of the SE1/4 of sec. 11, T24N R7W, 80 acres.

The 1857 annuity roll Grand Traverse band, under chief Peter Waw kay zoo 
#20 Louis Awke... 1 man, 1 woman, 3 children, received $25.30

The 1858 annuity roll Grand Traverse band, under chief Peter Waw kay zoo
#20 Louis Aw ke be mo say, 1 man, 1 woman, 3 children, received $21.05

The 1860 Federal Census has Louis living in Charlevoix Townhip, Emmet county. Household consists of Michel Muscogun, age 75, real estate value of $100, personal estate value of $50, and Sophia, age 65.  Louis, age 26, real estate value of $100, personal estate value of $50, Josephine [wife Susan], age 20 [she would be older to be mother of the children], and sons Joseph, 9, Michael, 6 and Moses, 3.

The 1861 annuity roll Grand Traverse band, under chief Peter Waw kay zoo
#3 Louis Aw ke be mo say, 1 man, 1 woman, 4 children, received $27.72

Louis enlisted in Company K, First Michigan Sharpshooters on 10 Sep 1863 at Little Traverse for 3 years and was mustered in on 2 Oct 1863.  He is later listed as missing in action at Petersburg, VA on 17 Jun 1864.

On Louis' volunteer enlistment paper he says he is age 30, born in Kalamazoo and a farmer. He has hazel eyes, black hair and is 6 feet tall. He signs the paper with an X. He was recruited by Lt. G.A. Graveraet. Witness is Francis Tabasash,

Company muster roll September 1863 - February 1864

The picture was most likely taken while at Camp Douglas in Chicago, where the 1st Michigan Sharpshooters spent seven months guarding the Confederate prisoners. (Courtesy of David Broene).

Company muster roll May 1864 to October 1864. The muster roll states Louis was captured at Petersburg on 30 Jul 1864, but he was captured on 17 Jun 1864.

Company muster roll December 1864.

Company muster roll January 1865 - April 1865

Memorandum from prisoner of war records.

Louis was released from Andersonville prison on 1 Apr 1865 after over 11 months in that miserable place. He was hospitalized at least twice while there and suffered the affects for the rest of his life. Andersonville link

Louis next boarded a steamer in an attempt to reach Camp Chase in Columbus, OH. Unfortunately the steamer was the Sultana, a side-wheel built to carry 376 passenger. On 27 Apr 1865 the Sultana left Memphis, TN with over 2,400 people on board, mostly Union soldiers released from prison camps. The over-burdened ship's boilers exploded around 2 a.m. Louis was one of 500 men who survived and was taken back to Memphis and hospitalized there.

Named on the Sultana's manifest as "S. Kogan" Louis is named on the list of Sultana survivors as L. Scogen. Sultana Museum link

Muster out cards

Muster out roll - folder 14, document 10

Louis finally makes it back to his family in Charlevoix county. 

The 1865 annuity roll Little Traverse band, under chief Geo Waw kay zoo
#3 Louis Aw ke be mo say, 1 man, 1 woman, 5 children, received $28

The 1866 annuity roll Little Traverse band, under chief Geo Waw kay zoo
#1 Louis Aw ke be mo say, 1 man, 1 woman, 6 children, received $29.92

The 1867 annuity roll Little Traverse band, under chief Geo Waw kay zoo
#1 Louis Aw ke be mo say, 1 man, 1 woman, 6 children, received $28.56

The 1868 annuity roll Little Traverse band, under chief Geo Waw kay zoo
#1 Louis Aw ke be mo say, 1 man, 1 woman, 6 children, received $126.80

The 1870 annuity roll Little Traverse band, under chief Shaw waw ne gwaw nay be
#1 Louis Aw ke be mo say, 1 man, 1 woman,  9 children, received $168.30

On the 1870 Federal Census, taken on the 17th of August, the family is in Charlevoix township under the surname Ke wa kosh kum. Louis is 50, a farmer, with real estate value of $800. Josetta is 35, John, 20, Mitchell, 18, Moses, 12, Akin, 8, Louis, 6, Joseph, 4 and twins Francis and Mary are 1.

The 1870 Farm Schedule - line 37 says Louis has 15 acres improved and 105 acres wooded land valued at $800. He gives no value for machinery or tools, but says he paid $10 in wages for the year. He has two horses, two working oxen and 20 swine valued at $500. Louis grew 40 bushels of Indian corn and 40 bushels of oats.

In pension papers Susan states Louis died 5 Jul 1870, which is before the census date, so his true death date is unknown.

Pension records:

Widow's declaration 10 Jan 1889. Names children Joseph, Moses, Louis, John and twins Frank and Mary.

James Arwannegezic general affidavit 6 Feb 1889

Susan Miscogeon general affidavit 25 May 1889 [front and back]

Leon Otashquabono general affidavit 29 Aug 1889

Andrew Holmes and Thomas Seroggie state Susan has not remarried - undated, after 27 Jun 1890

Declaration for Widow's Pension 15 Jul 1890

Andrew Holmes - General Affidavit 24 Nov 1891

Louis AuteCamtee? general affidavit 24 Nov 1891

Susan Miscogeon regarding Louis' service 12 Jan 1893

Joseph Tabassash general affidavit 22 Sep 1893

Stephen Nawwagezhic general affidavit 22 Sep 1893

Pension approval 4 May 1893

Payson Wolfe general affidavit 22 Jan 1894 [front and back]

John Shomin - proof of disability 22 Aug 1894 [front and back]

Letter from Adjutant General regarding Louis being in Andersonville - 9 Nov 1898

Record of service 9 Nov 1898

Leon Otashquabono regarding Louis' health 21 Nov 1898

1890 Federal Census - Veterans schedule - Susan Kewagoshkum, widow of Miscogeon, Louis, private Co K 1 Mich Sharpshooters, 10 Sep 1863 to 9 Aug 1865, served 1 year 10 months 29 days. P.O. Burgess.

1900 Federal Census of Hayes township, Charlevoix county finds Susan living with her youngest son. Frank Kewexkum, 34, speaks English, laborer at sawmill, rents, full Ottawa; Susan Miscogoen, mother, 83, widowed, gave birth to 9 children, 2 living, speaks Ottawa, no occupation, full Ottawa, married once.

Also in Hayes township is son Joseph Kewagoskum, 47, married 28 years, farm laborer, owns home; wife Rose, 47, gave birth to 6 children, 4 living; children: Mitchel, 27, day laborer; Robert, 11 and Sofia, 9.

In 1900 son John Miscogeon supplied several Ottawa texts to J.N.B. Hewitt of the Smithsonian Institution, for which he received $45.00

John died 23 Apr 1907 in Petoskey.

The following appeared in the newspaper of 24 Apr 1907. 

1908 Durant Field Notes page 24 #5
Louis Aw-ke-be-mo-say, dead
wife Susan Miscogeon or Josett Key-way-cush-cum, age 80, P.O. Bay Shore, see 2/54

Moses Key-way-cush-cum, dead; wife's name not given; son Thomas, age 11

John Key-way-cush-cum, age 43, died 24 Apr 1907.

Frank Kewagoskum, age 41, Bay Shore, not married

James Kewagoskum, age 36, Bay Shore; wife Alice nee Aniwasky, age 31

Daughter name not given, dead; husband name not given; daughters Margaret Kewagoskum, age 23, Bay Shore and Minnie Kewagoskum, age 19, Bay Shore.

Joe Kewagoskum, age 55, Bay Shore; wife Rosie, age 50; children: Mitchell Kewagoskum, age 35, Bay Shore; Robert Kewagoskum age 20, Bay Shore, and Sophia Kewagoskum, age 17, Bay Shore.

Susan died 16 May 1919 in Mentor, Cheboygan county.

The following was published 21 May 1919

Copyright (C) 2018 Vicki Wilson